WARNING - This site is for adults only!
This web site contains sexually explicit material:I keep getting messaged about having newer content available at a subscription price and now I'm attempting to satisfy that need! Joeysfeetgirls4k will be opening sometime soon and I'm hoping to start getting members on it before the end of this year. Please bear with me; I'm so busy with travel and shoots that keeping up to date with edits and uploads is becoming more of a challenge every day so I'm moving as fast as I can. I'm but one man doing all of this on my own!
Joeysfeetgirls4k will be set at a premium price but will offer newer content in 4k with streaming and downloads available on all of it. The plan is to post content within weeks or even days of when I've shot it so that you all have a much closer view of who I'm shooting with in regards to the date I shoot vs the date they are released. As of right now (July 29th, 2024) I have 30 unreleased models and 80 unreleased scenes and I'm doing this so you won't have to wait so long to see my up to date fresh off the press content.
Joeysfeetgirls here, as you see it, will remain the same; a cheap subscription price for my ever growing collection of all older 1080 content including trans girls!Once again, thank you all for the support as I go out of my way to find you a wide variety of women to get your footjob fix from!